Day One: My Brain Outlet

Let me start by saying I'm really not one for diaries or journals. I find it hard to open up, even if no one's reading. But I truly have a writer's brain - there isn't a single moment I'm not narrating my life, listing out things to remember, or envisioning a story I'm working on.

Sure, I have notebooks. I have plenty of notebooks. I'll probably buy more notebooks at the next opportunity. My brain jumps around faster than a pencil; the only time I genuinely write in a notebook is during the drafting process. Or when I'm writing lists. Have I mentioned I'm a heavy lister?

I decided I need a 'brain outlet,' something that I can dump all of my thoughts into - my research, my character naming jaunts, my blurbs, my daily mini-obsessions (documentaries, anyone?), and my creative juices for the day.

Amid all the individual tastes of my mind, here you'll find writing prompts, lists, character creations, a glimpse at my writing process, and inspirational posts. But most of all I'll be testing my ability to be open, to share my work instead of overprotecting it, and to let my brain call the shots.

Stay tuned!
