Pinterest: A Writer's Toolbox

Pinterest is what started me on sharing my writing. I've been posting blurbs and prompts for over a year, and collecting tips & tricks for much longer. It's like the Google of inspiration.

I'll be double-posting my blurbs here now, when I write them, and updating stories that you'll also find have their own boards on my Pinterest. Usually, when a story develops past two connected blurbs (and it's likely to keep developing), I make a board specifically for that story. Of course, I have several more stories offline, but some stories have their own visual addendum. 

(c) The Barren Land, 2013
#1. Her feet left no footsteps, thought he didn’t notice, and she didn’t seem too preoccupied about the fact that she was terribly dressed for cold weather. He was intrigued, as he had been when he first noticed her out the window the day before. She had seemed too familiar with the grounds to be a random trespasser.
Above, the first of over 600 blurbs on my Pinterest, was inspired by the above picture. It's important to note that most of my blurbs are inspired by or based on images/prompts that I did not create myself. Instead, I start from the seed and develop it into a public blurb, something anyone can use to further create their own story. It's like a virtual plot bunny jar, and is designed so you can pick a random number between #1 and #658 to find a workable, writable prompt.

Check out Bits and Baubles; Bits & Baubles, Part 2; and Writer, for prompts and writing tips!
